The main concept of our company is to provide you only reliable real estate for business with a maximum annual income, as well as real estate for your residence and recreation. For this, we provide a wide range of legal services, real estate consulting, managing consulting.



  • Advising on the acquisition of a land plot.
  • Legal analysis of documents on ownership of a land plot
  • Preparation and support of lease agreements, servitude, superficies, efmiteusis.
  • Land privatization.
  • Legal support in the allotment of land plots for real estate.
  • Legal advice on construction issues
  • Obtaining urban planning conditions and restrictions
  • Registration of permits for the construction of facilities.
  • Preparation and submission of documents to GASK for obtaining a declaration on the beginning of construction work / Commissioning.
  • Representation of clients’ interests in authorities


  • Comprehensive legal analysis of documents related to real estate Privatization of real estate
  • Change of purpose of real estate
  • Conclusion of preliminary contracts
  • Legal support of transactions
  • Providing advice on the reconstruction of a property
  • Preparation of documents and development of a project for the reconstruction of real estate objects
  • Registration of permits for the reconstruction of objects.
  • Legalization of redevelopment / reconstruction
  • Preparation and submission of documents to GASK for obtaining a declaration at the beginning of construction work / Commissioning.
  • Representation of clients’ interests in authorities


  • Consulting and registration of a legal entity.
  • Choosing the optimal taxation system.
  • Registration with tax authorities
  • Obtaining a seal of a legal entity
  • Registration of a legal entity for VAT
  • Drafting of internal regulations and company regulations.
  • Changes to registration data.
  • Representation of interests in corporate disputes.
  • Legal audits of companies.
  • A range of services to support the procedure for closing a business and paying off obligations.


  • Consulting and support in obtaining a Ukrainian visa
  • Legalization of non-residents on the territory of Ukraine
  • Preparation of a package of documents and obtaining a residence permit
  • Extension of the period of stay in Ukraine
  • Legalization of documents
  • Preparation of a package of documents and obtaining a work permit in Ukraine.
  • Obtaining a registration number of a tax payer account card in Ukraine
  • Representation and protection of the interests of foreigners in state bodies and in courts of all instances.


  • Creation of a system of legal security of the enterprise.
  • Legal support of negotiations and inspections of regulatory authorities.
  • Protection against illegal actions of regulatory authorities.
  • Asset protection.
  • Challenging decisions of general meetings of shareholders or participants.
  • Protecting the client’s interests from unfair actions of business partners.
  • Protection of business and property from capture.


  • Trademark registration.
  • Copyright registration.
  • Obtaining a patent for an invention and utility model, industrial design.
  • Patent search.
  • Preparation and support of contracts for the disposal of property rights.
  • Preparation of an act of claim for violation of intellectual property rights.
  • Registration in the customs register of objects of intellectual property rights.
  • Representation of clients’ interests in authorities



  • Analysis of the existing real estate market
  • Selection and search of real estate
  • Comprehensive legal analysis of real estate documentation
  • Verification of developer permits
  • Providing a comprehensive legal analysis of the legal status of the developer
  • Providing a comprehensive legal analysis of the real state of the developer
  • Inspection of the property
  • Negotiating with representatives of the developer
  • Conclusion of preliminary contracts
  • Conducting a sale and purchase transaction, assignment of property rights to an apartment (share) with registration of a real estate object in your name
  • Solving other issues arising with the developer.


  • Analysis of the existing real estate market
  • Selection and search of real estate
  • Real estate history check
  • Analysis of real estate for the absence of risks and the degree of investment reliability
  • Comprehensive legal analysis and audit of real estate documents
  • investigation of the presence of illegal alterations or conversions
  • Providing a legal opinion on the object
  • Inspection of the property
  • Negotiating with the Seller’s representatives
  • conclusion on behalf of the Customer of preliminary agreements, agreement of intent to purchase and sell real estate objects, deposit agreement, advance agreement
  • Conducting a sale and purchase transaction with the registration of a property in your name


  • Analysis of the existing real estate market
  • Selection and search of real estate
  • Real estate history check
  • Analysis of real estate for the absence of risks and the degree of investment reliability
  • Comprehensive legal analysis and audit of real estate documents
  • investigation of the presence of illegal alterations or conversions
  • presence of registered persons in the room, accident rate at home.
  • Providing a legal opinion on the object
  • Inspection of the property
  • Negotiating with the Seller’s representatives
  • conclusion on behalf of the Customer of preliminary agreements, agreement of intent to purchase and sell real estate objects, deposit agreement, advance agreement
  • Conducting a sale and purchase transaction with the registration of a property in your name


  • Advising and representing interests in public procurement
  • search for current lots
  • Analysis of the lot for the absence of risks and the degree of investment reliability
  • Legal analysis and audit of lot documents
  • Registration of the Customer in the public procurement procedure
  • Maintaining and controlling the process of conducting public procurement
  • legal support when concluding a contract for the sale of a lot
  • assistance in organizing the procedure for paying for the lot or refunding the amount of the guarantee fee
  • inventory of lot items


  • Analysis of the existing land market
  • Selection and search of a land plot
  • Advising on the acquisition of a land plot.
  • Legal analysis of documents on ownership of a land plot
  • Inspection of land plots
  • Technical expertise
  • Negotiating with representatives of the developer
  • Conclusion of preliminary contracts
  • Conducting a sale and purchase transaction with registration of a land plot in your name


  • Selection and search of real estate
  • Real estate history check
  • Analysis of real estate for the absence of risks and the degree of investment reliability
  • Comprehensive legal analysis and audit of real estate documents
  • Providing a legal opinion on the object
  • Inspection of the property
  • Negotiating with the Seller’s representatives
  • conclusion on behalf of the Customer of preliminary agreements, agreement of intent to purchase and sell real estate objects, deposit agreement, advance agreement
  • Conducting a sale and purchase transaction with the registration of a property in your name



  • Providing advice on real estate management
  • Conclusion and signing of contracts for the provision of utilities
  • providing full technical and operational maintenance of the property
  • Providing advice on the repair or reconstruction of real estate
  • Obtaining the necessary documentation for the repair / reconstruction
  • Search for contractors for construction work
  • Inspection of premises and further negotiations with contractors
  • Drafting and signing a contract with contractors
  • Provision of designer and technical supervision during reconstruction or repair
  • Obtaining technical specifications for the premises
  • Monthly field readings
  • Submission of reports to the relevant authorities
  • Accompaniment of visits to real estate by authorities of objects


  • Providing advice on real estate sales
  • Technical preparation of the property for renting
  • Development of a tenant selection concept
  • Attracting tenants with an appropriate advertising campaign on Airbnb, Booking and other sources
  • Verification and analysis of tenants’ documents
  • Development of a lease agreement
  • Negotiating the parties and concluding a lease agreement,
  • Development of internal documents, regulations for the tenant
  • Providing legal advice to prevent tax issues
  • Resolving disputable issues, claim work with the tenant.
  • Regular inspection of rented objects
  • Control over the implementation of the terms of the lease agreement
  • Keeping records of your income by any programs


  • A direct reflection of business transactions in accounting on the basis of primary documents (accounting is carried out in the licensed accounting program 1C8), provision of relevant current consultations;
  • Accounting of fixed assets (depreciation and capitalization);
  • Preparation, maintenance, and systematization of primary accounting documentation provided for by the legislation of Ukraine (including preparation of invoices, acts, invoices, payment documents, etc.);
  • Registration of tax invoices with tax authorities and verification of registration of tax invoices by counterparties (if necessary);
  • Preparation and submission of obligatory reports on time, calculation and payment of taxes and other deductions;
  • Check of counterparties (by details) according to the data of the tax service bases for their registration as a taxpayer (including VAT, if necessary);
  • Interaction with the bank (including on operations related to the conduct of the foreign economic activity, preparation, and execution of payment orders, etc.).

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

The main concept of our company is to provide you only reliable real estate for business with a maximum annual income, as well as real estate for your residence and recreation. For this, we provide a wide range of legal services, real estate consulting, managing consulting.